With online dating being mainstream these days, it seems a little odd when you discover someone who doesn’t utilize the resource…why wouldn’t you? It is self marketing and you don’t have to lift a finger at the outset.  The tides have turned from where people socialized in bars wondering if the “one” could be there too; and asking friends for set ups…to sitting on the couch clicking away.  As singletons, we have become somewhat lazy. Why go out (if you are exhausted after a long day) when you can have probably a better batting average clicking away?  Regardless if it is online or in-person, the end result is determined by in-person chemistry and in my humble opinion the sooner you meet “live” the better.  The upside is, while clicking you can watch that hysterical Seinfeld rerun in your pjs knowing that most people online are looking for that same elusive “one”.