Visualizing your dream mate can bring forth a clear picture of what you are seeking. However, just imaging someone through your mind’s eye is one step. Creating an intention and then repeating the vision over and over can help you to have a more refined idea of what you are seeking. The most important part is to access your feelings through your heart space. Feeling deeply what you would like to experience with your perfect match accesses the higher realms of your consciousness, and thus it works through the laws of attraction. One aspect is to learn how to meditate.

When you meditate, get your mind clear and go into the gap. For some, this will require you to just spend quiet time each day focusing on your dream life with your dream mate.

“Only out of the mud, the lotus can grow.”

The most beautiful flower, the lotus, grows from mud but remains untouched. Isn’t it amazing that mud can be transformed into the most magnificent fragrant flower on the planet?

Sometimes when we experience challenges, it feels as if we are stuck in mud, and it’s easy to become frustrated. Dating dozens of people, hoping ‘this one’ is Mr./Ms. Right and finding out they are just another form of Mr./Ms.Wrong can be very disappointing. Like the lotus flower, we are actually growing more refined, so the ‘mud’ we find ourselves immersed in can actually assist us in becoming more attractive. Emerging from the depths of despair with an unyielding knowing that there is someone out there that is our Beshert becomes stronger. Daily practice and reinforcement without attachment to outcome is the key to success. This is where adapting a Meditation practice is very helpful, and there are so many free samples on YouTube. In fact, many are focused on manifesting your perfect match.

You can also check online, order one of the wonderful classics, such as Creative Visualization, by Shakti Gawain, and visualize yourself with your partner ‘doing daily life together.’ I have to remind myself of this, it is not always an easy thing to do. Spending time alone in nature always helps me. Every once in a while I see things that remind me to remember to include my ‘guy’ in the process. Then I think about my last love affair and the stuff we enjoyed doing together, and I get that great feeling of ‘us’ again; I remember hiking in the lush fern groves next to his house in Marin, being on the cliffs overlooking San Francisco Bay, walking through Muir Woods. I can still feel us cuddling in bed for hours, staring into each others eyes, all the sensual stuff, shopping for food, making dinner, traveling to fun places and just hanging out watching movies, etc. (I just have to keep replacing him with the new guy… still working on that one!) Now, while at the gym or at work, shopping, eating out, or walking down the street, I imagine that I already have this great guy in my life and I am whole and complete right now. This is how you too, can begin to enjoy those special moments now, together and alone.

The act of meditating will assist you in experiencing your own inner truth so you can recognize the right man for you. The great master Osho, speaks about the benefits of meditation in his ‘”Book of Understanding.” “It is particularly important to be able to sense your own inner truth. Something inside of you has a knowing immediately when you perceive it.” He also speaks about doubt. ‘There is doubt. Doubt is not destroyed by believing. Doubt is destroyed by experiencing.” We may have doubt to the very end, until we arrive at the very end to know and feel and experience. It is comforting to hear that we don’t need to repress doubt, because he says it evaporates by itself. It is necessary to help you inquire and find.

There are hundreds of meditations and visualizations online that can assist you in getting into the gap. I put in key words, “You Tube, visualizing your dream mate” and there were more than 40,000 results! The key is to meditate/visualize daily to experience the best results. Many are from Law of Attraction principles which are very popular these days.

Good luck!

As a fine living maven, Marjorie has a passion for creating beauty in all forms. From fine art to interior design, she loves to assist her clients in creating the 5 Star Life, without limits, on any budget. Her favorite pastime is seeking ways to experience the art of living well through visiting healing retreats and spas. Her focus is on becoming ageless, promoting superfoods for vibrant health and radiant beauty. Check out
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