Now as any chic chicklet living in super sunny So Cal can verify, horrifyingly bad pick-up lines appear in daily conversation as much as Ryan Seacrest produces bad reality shows. It’s bad enough that all of L.A. has turned into one giant construction site where fluency in catcalling is considered a legit qualification for the bilingual label, but what do you do when these boys try to take their sad attempts to holler for a dollar on screen (and I don’t mean in a Romantic Comedy)? I’m talking about all those gents lacking in certifiable cyber savoir-fair, and more specifically the wondrous webcam question. The question of, “Do you have a webcam?” is neither a sweet nor innocent request. Though I totally understand and am all for a little pictorial preview of your soon-to-be babe, the brash inquiry is more capable of inducing a sickening feeling than it is of initiating a couple of notoriously well-known and craved butterflies. The window shopping has simply got to stop, or be taken elsewhere if you’re looking to hit it and quit it. The naivete is quite frankly so last year and ladies have learned not to sneak a peek because their online boytoy will be “hear” today, gone tomorrow in a matter of IM exchanges. Simply stated, if you’re looking for a pretty low maintenance peep show, I advise you to escort your shenanigans anywhere other than our beloved web of the world. Or at least come up with some more enticing opening liners than a webcam question mark. Because darling, the only answer you’ll be getting is from some chickenhead who, let’s face it, would go for anything with a pecker. Class always beats ass, and integrity, like my fave color, goes with anything.