I’m constantly reminded by the flight attendants that the Airline only allows one carry-on baggage that can either fit in the overhead compartment or beneath the seat in front of me.  Aaaah, wouldn’t life be that grand if relationships were the same? You start dating someone, things are great…you are in the honeymoon phase…you can’t get enough of each other..it is an intoxicating high… AND thump….clarity ensues as you learn of the proverbial baggage that we all have… So, now what? The airline usually takes the excessive baggage and makes you check it- but in reality, the temporary fix of the reshuffle is not that easy.  We all have histories and we all have baggage, so I guess the bottom line is whether we can deal with the pieces that have been revealed or do we opt for someone with less pieces?  Divorce..widow…kids…jailbird..axe murder…insane mother…depression… are all pieces that don’t always neatly fold into the ideal ‘Leave it To Beaver’ Land.  Of course, being able to deal with the proverbial baggage depends on your own individual history, exposure and strength.  And if you decide you can’t deal, who knows if the next lover won’t have the same baggage or more? I guess I’m wishful in hoping the baggage of my future mate fits neatly in the overhead compartment. But, that’s highly unlikely because life is not a fairytale.  However, the truth is that I would rather opt for the “right person” with excessive baggage than the wrong person whose baggage fits neatly into the overhead compartment.  But I guess that also depends on the weight restriction…