
On December 2nd, I got a message from Scott, saying the usual: that he would like to get to know me since it seems that we had a lot in common. This was just one week after I had given up on love at all, since an old friend had proved he had not changed and was more concerned about himself, than he would ever be about “us.” So I joined JDate for another 6 months on November 30th figuring it would be my last attempt at paying in order to have all access to JDate messages.

success-jodi-scott-tmb2After a series of messages on JDate, then emails, then texts, Scott and I went on our first date. He brought a bottle of wine and the date lasted over four hours, with no awkward pauses. The best part was that it was not even awkward when the bill came because we had already talked about how we both hated that part of first dates. The next weekend after that was date two, the next weekend was date three, then date four was on New Year’s. He took me to an amazing restaurant in Rittenhouse Square, then to a New Year’s Party. I had never met someone that week after week was willing to make me feel so special; in addition to always picking me up in the city, an hour drive from him, whenever we wanted to go anywhere. I could go on and on, but all I will say is that after my friends and family heard he brought me pink roses on the second date, or sent a beautiful bouquet to my apartment on our “one month anniversary,” we knew he was a keeper!

A message for those looking for that someone special: I never thought it could happen to me! I only knew one couple who met on JDate that recently got married. I could not imagine meeting someone online who “connected with my profile,” and then became my best friend and later the love of my life. Well, I am here to say, it can happen and it did for me and my fiancé, Scott. On the first night of Hanukah, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him (after asking my parents for permission, of course!).

All I can say to those still looking for “The One” is don’t give up! Do not judge somebody before you actually start to talk to them, because you will not get anywhere! Give everyone a chance and you may just end up meeting your best friend on JDate, as well as some pretty terrific friends on your journey to love!

Jodi and Scott
Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Found love on JDate? Tell us about it!
One Comment
  1. That is fantastic! What a wonderful story! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to this wedding!!! Yay!!!!!!!!

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