
It was kismet in cyberspace. After growing sick of the dating scene, Laura joined JDate in an impulsive move around 2:30am on a Sunday morning. Boots’ pictures and profile immediately caught her eye. Without any profile pictures or essays, Laura wrote Boots an apparently memorable email, to which Boots thought was suspicious since she had no profile essays or pictures while awaiting JDate approval. But apparently, words win the day, and Boots was charmed and wrote back after mulling over whether or not her message was spam. Thank goodness he did, because it was a true “match.”


Boots and Laura began their courtship with non-stop phone calls. When they finally met in person, they were pleasantly pleased. Laura was under the weather, and Boots brought over food (which was good since Laura’s pantry leaves something to be desired), a thermometer, and all the “sick supplies” a girl needs to nurse herself back to health. Can we say chicken soup?  Say no more.

Their Tips for JDaters®:

Have a fun, catchy profile with unique photos and interesting essays. Stand out. Don’t be afraid to show your personality, for Laura saw an immediate match in hers and Boots’ personalities. And don’t be afraid to reach out and make the first move, whether it’s through a Flirt, email, or IM.

Thanks JDate!

Laura and Boots
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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