Receiving the phone number of someone you met online is always an exciting thing. The prospect of a new date tends to bring a new excitement into our lives as we imagine all the possibilities that may arise. However, with every blessing comes a price. We may be excited about that first date on the horizon, but we also need to think about what to do on that first date!

Sure we can stick to the standard: meeting up for drinks, coffee, or dinner (even though I am highly against dinner on a first date). However, it’s also nice to break away from the routine and do something different

How many times can we meet up for drinks with someone without wanting to jump off a ledge?!  The repetitiveness of these dates will eventually ruin our desire to date if we go on enough of them. The good news is that summer is without a doubt the best time of the year for online dating.  The sun is in the air, singles are feeling good, and there are about a million and one great first date ideas that we can finally make happen.

So put away that computer, call up all your potential dates, and start enjoying life with the following three outdoor summer date ideas:

1.   Hit your local beach and/or boardwalk

There are few better dating ideas than hitting up your local beach or boardwalk. Taking your date for a long walk on the beach under the beautiful night sky is not only romantic, but also a great way to get to know the other person while having a large variety of entertainment options surrounding you.  Most boardwalks have games, rides, great food, and tons of other fun activities. Start off with a quick drink and then let the atmosphere dictate your night. This is always a good time! For those of you that don’t live on the Coast, try to find a nice substitute near a lake or river, if possible!

2.   Head to the nearest theme park

This is intense for a first date, but if you can pull it off, you are definitely in for a great time.  There are few dates that will bring more fun and excitement to the table, and the best part is, the atmosphere will take all the pressure off you. Watch as your date screams their head off or holds onto you in excitement as you escalate the relationship physically. More importantly though, you’ll both be feeling like a kid again. These feel-good memories will sustain right up until you call for that pivotal second date.

3.  Head to a local park

A nice day outdoors in a beautiful park is always a great time. Come prepared with a picnic basket, a Frisbee, and maybe even a bottle of wine. Your date will feel like royalty as you enjoy the beautiful day together. The best part about dates like these is that they are basically free. Online dating can get very expensive if you go on enough dates. It is always a good idea to have some cheap dating ideas in your back pocket to keep that wallet full.


Joshua Pompey is the author of three online dating books for men and runs a profile-writing service. For more information, click  Or click GetREALDates How To Meet Women Online.

One Comment
  1. I always love to be in the beach watching the sunset. It can also be a good date idea.

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