Today I would like to discuss a skill that online daters often neglect within their day-to-day interactions.  The skill involves preparing with transitions that can be used within an online conversation.

A transition is the concept of following up your initial conversation opener with something interesting to keep the conversation going.    Although most people do not worry about this aspect of online dating, being unprepared leaves you in a potentially vulnerable position. 

Many people often start up an Instant Messaging conversation, only to find themselves quickly running out of things to say.  This can blow up in the person’s face and destroy a potential match. 

Instead, take the time to read the profile and come up with a bunch of things that you will plan on saying.  Or, develop transitional material that those of us who are advanced at online dating always come armed with. 

Whatever you do, do not fall into the trap of resorting to boring small talk!  This often means two words:  GAME OVER.

One Comment
  1. Please give descriptions of transitional materials. I do read the profile carefully before I even decide if I wish to start a conversation.

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