Either my blog posts are getting worse, or people are getting angrier for some ulterior reason. I’m starting to get a handful of angry replies about my updates. Here is what I wrote in the latest post that irked one reader:

“If you live in the suburbs, which many of you reading this probably do, there is really nothing to be afraid of, short of death or serious illness of yourself or a loved one.”

And here is how the reader responded in a comment:

“What?!? Do you even know what you’re talking about?”

In context, they were referring to a post I wrote where I discussed how fear can drive you to do great things, but can also consume you. I think this reader took my writing a bit literally. For example, the preceding sentence of my post read, “You can’t live with constant fear (unless you’re that woman who was trapped in that dungeon in the Netherlands… or somebody is chasing you with a buzz saw).” By his logic, it is perfectly normal and commonplace in today’s society for someone to be chased around with a buzz saw, but completely unacceptable that a person’s two biggest concerns should be death or serious illness of a loved one.

Of course there are countless other valid concerns that suburbanites should have, and of course, not all of our readers live in the suburbs. I use hyperbole to make broader points. If it offends you that I made a generalization that you live in the suburbs, maybe you should leave your moderately-sized house just outside the city and go volunteer somewhere.

Again, I don’t know you at all, and I’m sure you’re a great person, and you probably volunteer more than I do anyway. But let’s face it, you do live in the suburbs, and if it angers you that I think you should concern yourself with the health and well-being of yourself and your loved ones, I’m sorry to suggest something so terrible.

Let me be your scapegoat. If you’ve had a long day, and come on here for some dating advice, and read one of my posts that doesn’t always have to do with dating, go ahead and yell at me. You’re right. I don’t always talk about dating. Dating is important. JDate is important. If it wasn’t for either, I never would have found the greatest woman I have ever met. However, there is more to life, and I write about that as well.

If you spend all day worrying about dating and finding the perfect person for you, you’re probably not going to find someone for a while. Take a step back. Put up some nice profile pictures, be honest in your profile, occasionally browse the site to find someone good for you, and something will eventually happen. It took me five years to realize this. JDate is a tool. A great tool. However, it is not life. Life is too complex, and if you spend all of your time on here, it will show. JDate can’t make you somebody you’re not. It can only show the world the great person that you are.

If you are still angry at me, leave a comment on this post. In order to do so, click on the title of this post and then leave a reply at the bottom. Also, if you like my writing, you can leave a reply too. I don’t really get a lot of feedback on this outside of my friends and family, and after over 200 posts, I want to make sure that I’m helping (or at least entertaining) people.

  1. Hey buddy- nice blog. I especially enjoyed the post about the election and politics. I have been active in GOP politics for 12 years and like you believe bad times are ahead. Especially with another four years of Obama. Good point about how we need to bunker down, take care of our families, do the best we can. And stockpile guns. Not that I even have a gun, but now is probably a good time to get one for the next decade. Anyway, keep up the good posts and best of luck to you..

  2. Hey man…. at least you get actual relevant comments to your posts. I get random love quotes that make me think the person went through a huge crack binge before posting their comment.

    Adam Rosenfield

  3. Jeremy: I live in the 13th largest city in the U.S. I recently moved from the largest city in the country. Prior to that, I lived in the 5th largest city in the U.S. In fact, I haven’t lived in the suburbs since the 80s. I just thought your comment is silly and uninformed. But I should thank you. I now read your posts just to see what Jeremy will say today. (Chimps are monkeys. That’s great! Their favorite food is bananas. Another awesome Jeremy fact.)

  4. Thanks for finally talking about > JDate Blog – Leave
    a Reply < Loved it!

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