
What? JDate? Oh-puh-leeze, no way. Yep, that’s what we thought, too!

Sheila became a widow in 2011 after 27 years of marriage. When people asked her when she would start dating again, she would look at them as if they asked when she was going to take a bath in a tub of jelly donuts. “Huh? Why in the world would I do that?” She told herself she was alone and had better get used to it.

Not long after her year of mourning ended, however, Sheila felt ready. One night she took a deep breath and pressed the “submit” button to sign up for JDate.  She left JDate, however, when she entered into a short relationship.  After that ended, she signed up again. That’s when Sheila began getting messages from a pretty cute guy, “RosieTx.”

Michael had been divorced for about six years at the time. His kids were younger and he spent most of the past six years being there for them.  He never thought he would try JDate either, and had been in a relationship for about three years.  When that ended, he took the plunge and hit the submit button as well.

The two chatted for a few days; every time Michael tried to set up a meeting though, Sheila was unavailable. And honestly, she really WAS busy!  Sheila’s passion is performing improv comedy and she has been doing this for 10 years. She had a show coming up and told “RosieTx” to come by and see her in action. They do family-friendly comedy and she told him to bring his teenage sons along, too, if he’d like.

Sheila & Michael-picSo they did. And they enjoyed the show. His sons said, “Dad, she’s really nice.” After the show Sheila and Michael met in person and set up a dinner date during the next week.  Sheila must not have remembered the dating “dos and don’ts” because she gave Michael her home address and asked what time he could pick her up. Was she nuts?

The doorbell rang and when Sheila opened the door there was Michael holding an orchid plant saying, “beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman.” Dinner lasted hours. They were the last to leave the restaurant; they then sat in his car talking for another hour.  They went out again a few nights later. Since then there has hardly been a day when they have been apart. Michael’s whole family is in Israel and three weeks from that first date he was taking his sons to Israel and would be gone for three weeks.  While they were half a world apart they talked at least twice a day, every day!

Six months after their first date they became engaged while on a trip to Tucson and were married on November 1, 2014.

Sheila and Michael
Plano, TX

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