Dating is tough.  Relationships are tougher. Marriage is… well… I’m not quite there yet so let’s just not think about that.

But no matter how hard us guys try, no matter how nice we are, there is one thing that men have never been able to successfully pull off.  We have prayed for it since the beginning of time.  We have cried ourselves to sleep many a nights hoping that this day would one day come.  We have even fled our homes in a desperate panic hoping it would all just go away.  And now, after centuries of waiting and hoping, our prayers may finally be answered…

Technology can finally warn us when it is our significant other’s “special time of the month.”  Yes that’s right.  You heard me correctly.  There is officially an application that will warn men out there just when it is that week of the month where we should be extra nice and avoid confrontations at all cost!

Okay, I’m obviously exaggerating (or am I?) so ladies, don’t be mad, I love you all!  But when I heard about this product I thought it would be a funny topic to mention for all of us out there in relationships.  The product is called “code red” and when your girl is going through her “special time” (yes I’m going to keep referring to it as that in the hopes of forgiveness =) ), us men out there just have to input the application and let the app take care of the rest.  From then on it will warn us guys with a CODE RED alert that includes a red symbol with horns!  Hilarious stuff, even for sheer comic value.

Just a word of advice to you guys out there:  Use it for humor only.  Throw it in her face when she is having a bad day and you will, without a doubt, regret the day you ever purchased this product.

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