Many people have a bucket list of what they want to accomplish in life, and that list hopefully has some items checked off and other items added as time goes on. Most lists will have travel on it with specific places they want to see. Some lists even get so detailed as to include an exact experience they want to have, like Masada at sunrise or Times Square on New Year’s Eve. There are daredevil-style bucket list items like bungee-jumping and sky-diving, and the goal-oriented items such as writing a book or learning how to sew. And, of course, lots of lists include getting married and having a family. 

Help Me Help Myself

So how will a bucket list help your dating life? A bucket list is not about the traits you’re looking for in a romantic partner; that type of advice you can find here. Rather, this type of list will help remind you that there are other important things in your life to focus on. It’s easy to get so caught up in dating and mating that you lose focus on the things that make you, well, you. Why lose sight of your other dreams and aspirations as you wait for that special someone to come into your life? 

But I’m Not Waiting Around

I know you’re not at home twiddling your thumbs waiting for The One to suddenly materialize on your couch. Obviously, you’re on JDate and maybe even going to singles shmoozers in your community. The thing about checking items off your bucket list is that you get to do things that fulfill you and give you a sense of accomplishment and, along the way, you also create more opportunities to meet like-minded people. Is running a marathon on your list? Joining a running club means 30 new friends and a possible new love interest. A quick Google search will find a club for nearly every hobby imaginable. Websites and apps like Meetup were invented for this reason! Facebook has groups for activities you never knew existed. There’s no reason not to pursue your bucket list – your social life will thank you, too!

How Do I Make A List?

If you’re having trouble getting started with your bucket list (and my examples haven’t helped), check out other people’s lists to get inspired. Sounds odd, but it works. Someone else’s goal to go wine tasting at an actual vineyard may lead you to realize you prefer beer and want to learn to brew. A friend’s goal to take up spinning may lead you to setting goals such as biking across the Golden Gate Bridge and the Williamsburg Bridge. One of my friends got so inspired by bloggers who posted about traveling with points that he set out to fly first class in a suite upon an Emirates A380 which costs upwards of $10,000 without spending a dime on airfare; he and his wife accomplished this feat together.

A bucket list is not something you sit down and write once. It’s okay to only have one item at first and to add and edit along the way. Setting goals is a great way to get inspired while also creating more opportunities to meet a potential match.

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